Blog Posts are transitioned into News Story, which will hold all original stories in Atlantis.

Advertorial is a simple flag placed in all across the content type. Any content type can become advertorial and used for sponsorship with the flag on.

Flash (.swf) files will be treated as Videos in Atlantis, and no new .swf files can be created.

Polls are transitioned into Atlantis as Page content type. It needs further exploration on whether they are editorially valuable.

All the services that Webservice supported (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.) would be now supported within the text editor of each content type. Users can easily embed the assets using either the embed code or URL.

Webresources are transitioned into Promos, where Prime Editors can upload an image, internal and/or external link, title, and description.

Franchises are now simplified to Sections, which represents the group of articles by topic. Any custom pages would be created with Collections.
Creators are transitioned into Users, which will hold all users' name, role, photo, social account, etc.
Saved Search will become a feature in a search, which will store the users' latest and frequent keywords.
Skins can be a part of templates that the general user selects, and only the advanced user can create and attach .css files to the templates.
Editorial Search is transitioned into Dynamic Collection, which will hold the criteria of content types to be inserted in the page.
Files, which hold code files that are attached to Skin, are no longer exposed to the regular users.
Markup Templates, which hold .tpl files that configures the front-end templates, are no longer exposed to the regular users as a file type. Instead, templates will exist as resources, and users can apply the templates only from a specific Template field.
Product will be retired as it is not currently serving any functionality.
Promotional Package will be retired as it is not currently serving any functionality. Users can use Project instead to group the articles for a specific need.
Usage Rules are transitioned into simple switches in all content types of Atlantis. Users can turn the switch settings on or off based on their needs.


Breaking News is a new page type that specifically handles Breaking News. It allows the Hot Seat editors to publish out breaking news faster.
Sections in Atlantis represent categories of articles.
In a Curated Collection, users can manually select and specify and the order of the items on a page. e.g. ranking U.S. Homepage
In a Dynamic Collection, users can set criteria to dynamically gather the items on a page. e.g. latest episodes
Security will exist as references in Atlantis. We will explore what data can be stored in CMS and what can be stored as GDS data. Also, consider removing the Company asset that has the matching name when a new GDS security gets ingested.
Series is a new TV/Prime type that stores the relevant information of a TV show. It also serve as a reference to Season and Episode nodes.
Season is a new TV/Prime type that stores the relevant information of a TV show's season. It also serve as a reference to Series and Episode nodes.
Episode node will store the relevant information of a TV show's episode, including references to appropriate Series and Season. It also provides episode synopsis and reference to the episode trailers and full video.
Promo holds information that can go on a single item on the carousel: links, image, and promotional texts.
New User type will hold user's name, role, image, social account, and any other relevant information of the user.
Project will group articles that belong to the same project/initiative, especially for native contents. This grouping can be used in a meaningful way, e.g. send Slack notification to the corresponding project channel. Explore ways to make association between a Prject and an Article.