Decription text
Newsroom revolutionizes digital news publishing process with smart simultaneous editing, real-time update, and flexible interface. Writers can quickly create articles, Copy Editors can swiftly edit the story, and Photo Editors can easily license and embed photos. All at once.
With Newsroom, everyone can work together in the same content at the same time.
All your changes are automatically saved as you type. You can even use revision history to see old versions of the same content, sorted by date and who made the change. Check your work in your high fidelity preview and hit publish button with confidence.
Newsroom brings your articles to life with smart editing and styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs. Choose to embed from thousands of images, videos, and other media assets, right in the text editor.
Search all of CMS right inside the content, without ever leaving your article.
When you publish out the article, automatically post to social platforms with a single-click. Have complete control over the tweets with robust Twitter preview.
Take your content editing experience to the next level with contextual components based on your role and content type. You can personalize - arrange, fold, show, and hide cards and items to fit your own workflow.
Access contents directly from your personalized Dashboard.
Newsroom always remembers where you are and brings you back to where you left off, even when you lose connection or simply logged out.
: Lives in Pilot
1.1 SSO Login
1.2 Dashboard
1.3 Content Library
- Favorites: Display the user's favorited items on the Dashboard for quick shortcut (search, filter, remove, and rearrange)
- My Latest Activities: See all the activities that the user has performed (load more and scroll within the card)
- Status Tracker: Track the status and activities happening to a specific set of contents that the user specifies (search, filter, and remove)
- Latest Published Contents: Show the list of the all the latest published contents in the CMS (load more and scroll within the card)
- Article Statistics: Display the relevant statistics of the articles that user has touched (search, filter, and remove)
- Number of visits
- Number of uniques
- Number of reads
- Top 5 Referrals and numbers
- Devices: Desktop, Mobile, etc.
- Top 10 article statistics: See the top 10 articles that are performing well today and did yesterday
- Number of visits
- Number of uniques
- Number of reads
- Top 5 Referrals and numbers
- Devices: Desktop, Mobile, etc.
- Sitewide Statistics: View the sitewide statistics
- Real-time trend of
- Number of visits
- Number of unique visits
- Other statistics on site
- Notification & Slack Integration: Receive notifications in a specific channel when the content you are tracking gets published
- My Tasks (non-MVP)
- Content Library
- Information the user would see per item: Thumbnail, Slug, Association (e.g. Section, Tags, etc.)
- Filter: Content Type, Association (e.g. Section, Tags, etc.), Publish status, Author
- Flags to display on Dashboard: Favorites, Status Track, Stats
- Saved filter: Users can store the frequently used filter settings in the library
- Revision History: Both autosaves and hard saves & published
- Statistics: Chartbeat, Omniture, SocialFlow
All the media items will be displayed in the searchable/filterable Media Library.
2.1 Image, Chart, Audio, File
2.2 Gallery (Content Type)
2.3 Video
- Search & Filter: Keyword search and filters by type, source, license status, and last used in the Media Library
- Grid View of the Media Library: Visual display of all the media items
- 3rd party integration & licensing: Users can view all the available images from 3rd party sources (Getty Image, AP, Reuters) in a single feed within the CMS. Photo Editors can license the photo directly from Media Library.
- Image Metadata: Image metadata will be stored in Toolbelt's database
- Image Cropping - Focal Point & rectangle: Focal points and rectangles can be set for different crops for different use cases on the front-end application
- Exploring Cloudinary vs. building custom services
- Other image editing options: Level and Vignetting (non-MVP)
- Upload the video: Upload video files from local drive to Media Library
- Edit video metadata: Ability to edit and save video metadata, e.g. Slug, Title, Description, Guest, Franchise, Team, Source, etc.
- Set thumbnail: Select the current frame from video, upload from desktop, choose from Media Library images
- Clip the video: Specify in and out time to generate a shorter clip of a viedo
- Live stream clipping: Transferring the clipped video from the live clipping service
- Explore the service capability of Volicon
- Explore technology for video workflow
"Article content types" listed below have the same metadata and features.
3.1 Breaking News (Security, Source, Team, Project)
3.2 News Story, Blog Post
3.3 Wire Story
3.4 Partner Story
3.5 Press Release
3.6 Episode
3.7 Promo
3.8 Series, Season
3.9 Types - Section, Person, Organization, Company, Place, Event
3.10 Curated Collection (Output List in Toolbelt)
3.11 Dynamic Collection (Editorial Search > Feed in Toolbelt)
3.12 Collection Group (e.g. Homepage, Prime's show page)
3.13 Catchall Page
3.14 Poll
3.15 Quiz
- Field API
- Simultaneous Editing and real-time updates of Text Editor & fields: Multiple users to edit the same article content simultaneously
- Autosaving & Saving: Each session's autosave will be managed in BEE; Hard save & publish actions will be managed in Toolbelt
- Ability to clone: User can clone/create a copy of the content as a new node
- Revision History: Show revisions from both autosaves and hard saves & published (accessible from Content Library)
- Preview: High fidelity preview of the content - comes from Toolbelt
- Text Editor: Clean and simple editor for the users to simultaneously edit and see real-time updates (e.g. Google Docs)
- Chat: Communicate with other users that are collaborating with the user within the article content
- @ mentioning someone who is not in the article alerts them in Slack
- Social: Social metadata are auto-populated from Link Headline and Description fields. These can be overriden in specific social media fields with the ablity to preview (Twitter). Users have the ability to immediately tweet out the article content when publishing.
- Homepage Banner & Mobile Notification: Hot Seat Editors see the options to display the story on the homepage banner and send mobile notifications to the app end users.
- Wire service integration: Partner Story, Wire Story, and Press Release will ingest the 3rd party articles - comes from Toolbelt
- Presets: Users can save the pre-filled content in presets, for private use or public access (a.k.a. Contemplates in Toolbelt)
- Task Assignments (non-MVP): Send assignment to a specific user or a team of users within the article content
- Restructure TV-related assets: Restructure the existing content types to accomodate Prime workflow
- Promo: Promote link or content with specified image and text
- Tags: Categorization of articles
- Sections will serve to structure Toolbelt's Parents organization, and automatic tagging of Sections will free the users from manually manage the structure
- Explore technology options: Media Lab & Calais
- Curated Collection: Users can manually select and specify the order of the items in a list, which are ranked for a page on the front-end application, e.g. list of artcies on the left rail on the homepage; carousel on a show page
- Dynamic Collection: Users can set criteria to dynamically gather the items in a list, e.g. latest episodes, all the published content related to Make It's Entrepreneurs section
- Ability to switch Curated Collection to Dynamic Collection and vice versa
- Collection Group: A group of collections/lists that composes a page on the front-end application, e.g. U.S. Homepage
- Catchall Page: One-off pages for microsites or promotional pages
- Determine the use cases for Project, e.g. recieving Slack notification per project, native contents Publishing layer
- Determine the ways to associate Project with content
- Determine what security information should be stored in CMS vs. stored as GDS data
- Explore matching the existing Company nodes with newly ingested Security; a previously private company can exist as a Company node, and corresponding Security node will be ingested when it becomes a public company
- Determine the content types that can be inserted in the collections
- Ability to edit code inside CMS for Catchall Page
- Discuss the use case with the editorial